Thursday, November 1, 2007

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Workouts

The last three days I had three great workouts.

I'm to get some pressing in to test my shoulders out to see if it is something I can peruse.

I love to work back up to pressing the bulldog again, but only time will tell.

Monday was pretty simple:

Deadlifts 135x5 225x3 250x3 for 3 sets
Pistols w/ 16kg Bell 3x3
Presses with 24kg Bell 3 ladders of 1,2,3

I figure ladders will be the best way to build the volume up slowly.

I didn't do any pull ups, I was planning building a pull up system for our garage gym, but instead ordered the MOD 1 from Torque Athletic along with a 5lb pair of club and 1-1/2" rings. I'll let you all know how these turn out.

Once I get the MOD 1 I'm going to have the fab shop take a look at it to see if we would be able to reproduce it for our gym and maybe for resale. They made me some great sleds (which we plan to put on the market shortly, one will be "push-able" with handles and all).

Tuesday's workout was the first day of an experiment.

I took Don Stevenson's snatch program and entered 65% of my max to cut the volume down. If you have ever done this program you know the volume gets down right obscene toward th middle weeks.

I figure with it tamed down to 65% I can still get decent numbers and maintain condition while building strength for the LEVEL II RKC. Once I'm done with the 65% "bracket" I'll bump it to seventy percent, and so on. I'm focusing on slowing down, the corksrew and getting the bell into the "OK" sign on the down swing to save my hands.

Wednesday was anther fun one.

Warmed up with Clubbell Rockets 3x20

Then moved onto presses w/24kg 5 singles (yes, I'm using the ladder scheme from ETK)

Sumo Deads, 135x5 155x3 185x3 225x3. I didn't know where to start or finish with these, I haven't done them in, no lie, 5 years or so. They felt strong and I hope the added adductor work wall make my pistols stronger "in the hole".

Pistols 3x3 w/ bodyweight. Had a hard time holding tension on the left side, a few reps turned into Deck Pistols.

Mobility and Flexibility work.

And that's all she wrote.

1 comment:

Franz Snideman said...

Solid training! You gotta love sumos!