Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Nothing Special Just Pressing

I had no planned training for Tuesday, but planned to both a "strength" and a "conditioning" session today (Wednesday).

So while at Franklin Wirth Park, promoting our Boot Camps I got my pressing ladder out of the way.

All done with the 16kg
3 sets of 1,2 I took a full minute between each rep, and each ladder. This just keeps it simple.

I didn't have anywhere to do pull up, Brookfield Park and Rec doesn't take to kindly to people hanging on there trees, and I doubt the taxpayers would appreciate it either.

After Camps tonight I'll hit some deadlifts, get my pull ups in and do a quick conditioning workout. Probably the BMF again. It's simple, but not easy, and I can get it done in about 15 minutes.

Here's what I did:
25 one arm swings R/L (50 reps)
10 Hindu squats
20 one arm swings R/L
20 Hindu squats
15 one arm swings R/L
30 Hindu Squats
10 one arm swings R/L
40 Hundu Squats
5 one arm swings R/L
50 Hindu Squats

Not bad, a little diappointed the swings weren't more difficult. But, until I have no pain in my shoulder I vowed to rarely lift a heavier bell than the 16kg.

Thanks for reading.


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