Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A great Pantera cover..

I like my music hard, fast and aggressive, especially when it comes to training.

Pantera fits the bill perfectly.

Normally I would say a cover a of Pantera song is blasphemy, but this is an exception to the rule.

If you're not familiar with the band In This Moment, they rock. Not your typical "chick metal", Maria has a set of pipes on her and she proves it here in a jam session from the TV show "Talking Metal" on the Fuse Network.

Check it out.

If want some kickin' tunes, below Pantera's Greatest hits and In This Moment's latest release.


Mike T Nelson said...

AWESOME! I LOVE the In This Moment CD--amazing.
Gotta love Pantera. Broken is one of my favs for sure.
Any other good CDs as of late? Just picked up the new Demon Hunter "Storm the Gates of Hell" and it is really good.
rock on
Mike N

BJ Bliffert said...

I haven't gotten anything new as of late. Although I have just discovered Throwdown. Their probable old news, but I dig 'em.

Ron Ipock said...

how do you train with music. How can you hear your Gymboss or concentrate on good injury-avoiding form while Dimebag Darrell is hitting those 12th fret harmonics?

BJ Bliffert said...

Ron, I turn it up just loud enough where I can barely make out the beep.

I also place the timer where I can see it count down the interval and count up the reps so I know when to switch hands.

The hardest part is not confusing my timer beeping with Kori's on the other end of the training area.

Ron Ipock said...

oh...I never would have thought to listen to Pantera at a volume less than 7 on the dial.

Also, I suppose that since I am relatively new to this stuff I continually have to consciously tell myself to keep the chest open, to use the hips and not the knees or the spine, to keep arms in their socket, etc. Therefore I don't have the luxury of being distracted with music. Maybe in the future...

Jordan Vezina said...

That is bad ass! I thought it was going to be a train wreck, and it was, but in a good way. I used to freak out everyone at karaoke in San Francisco with this one and 5 minutes alone.